Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Firefox turned on SVG

SVG has been turned on in firefox trunk builds. But it needs to be enabled by about:config

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Thursday, April 14, 2005

sortable table with HTML and javascript

Is table should be sortable? Yes, of course.

I had a boring and frustrated afternoon, to kill my time, I wrote some code to do this.

function initiateTableSort(){
 var vTables = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
 var i;
 for( i in vTables ){
  var vFirstRow = vTables[ i ].rows[ 0 ];
  var j;
  for( j in vFirstRow.cells ){
   vFirstRow.cells[ j ].onclick=doTableSort;
   vFirstRow.cells[ j ].ondblclick=doTableSort;

var iTeBeCompared = 0;
function doTableSort( e ){
 var vTargetTable =;
 while( vTargetTable.nodeName != "TABLE"  ) vTargetTable = vTargetTable.parentNode;
 var vTR = vTargetTable.rows[ 0 ];
 var i =;
 var j;
 iToBeCompared = i;
 var vTRs = new Array();
 for( i = 1; i < vTargetTable.rows.length; i ++ ){
  var vRowData = new Array();
  var cells = vTargetTable.rows[ i ].cells;
  for( j = 0; j < cells.length; j++ ){vRowData[ j ] = cells[ j ].innerHTML;}
  vTRs[ i - 1 ] = vRowData;
 if( e.type=="click") vTRs.sort( sortRoutineDes );
 else vTRs.sort( sortRoutineAs );
 for( i = 0 ; i < vTRs.length; i ++ ){
  for(j = 0 ; j < vTRs[ 0 ].length; j ++ ) 
   vTargetTable.rows[ i + 1 ].cells[ j ].innerHTML = vTRs[ i ][ j ];


function sortRoutineDes( a, b ){
 return (a[iToBeCompared] > b[iToBeCompared])? -1:1;

function sortRoutineAs( a, b ){
 return (a[iToBeCompared] < b[iToBeCompared])? -1:1;

<body onload="initiateTableSort()">
<table border= "1">


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Saturday, April 09, 2005

change the background color of a table cell by javascript code

There are some javascript about changing the background color of a table cell around the web. I don't know why people post that, but I made one with my code that access table cell.

getTableCell( "aTable", 1, 2 )

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Thursday, April 07, 2005


As a lome time customer of McMaster-Carr, I really enjoy shopping at their website. If everybody make their website as effective as McMaster-Carr, our lives will become much better.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

video ipod

Based on this piece of rumor, the Video iPod is coming. I guess apple will provide music video download firstly and then the short movies and long movies.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

access table cell via javascript 2

Actually, from what I have tested,

 TableId.rows[ i ].cells[ j ]
works fine.

But some people say there are some problems with Safari. I didn't see problems yet.

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